MMOEXP : NBA 2K is more than just a marketplace

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MMOEXP : NBA 2K is more than just a marketplace

Post by Ludwighench »

Utilizing Peak Hours: The Auction House tends to be busiest during peak hours when more 2K25 MT players are online. Listing your cards during these times increases the chances of a sale and might result in higher prices due to increased competition among buyers. Typically, evenings and weekends see the most activity, so time your listings accordingly.

Overpaying for Hype: It's easy to get caught up in the excitement when a new card is released, but overpaying due to hype is a common mistake. Prices often drop after the initial excitement fades, so it may be worth waiting a few days before purchasing newly released cards.

Ignoring Fees: The Auction House takes a percentage of each sale as a fee, so always factor this into your pricing strategy. If you set your price too low, you might end up losing MT after the fee is deducted.

Not Researching Prices: Before listing a card, always research its current market value. Prices can fluctuate daily, and listing a card without checking its current value could result in a significant loss. Use the Auction House's search function to see what similar cards are selling for before setting your price.

Holding Onto Cards for Too Long: While waiting for the perfect time to sell can be beneficial, holding onto cards for too long can backfire. Market trends can change rapidly, and a card's value could plummet if you wait too long to sell. Try to strike a balance between patience and knowing when to cash in.

Neglecting the Auction House: Some players focus solely on playing games and neglect the Auction House altogether. However, regularly checking the Auction House and engaging in buying and selling can significantly boost your Cheap 2K MT balance. Even small transactions can add up over time, so don't overlook this important aspect of MyTeam.

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