Merry Cemetery

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Merry Cemetery

Post by Jethro »

Hey friends,

just reserved myself a tombstone... :mrgreen:

I'm replaying Ultima V right now, and I always enjoyed the tombstones.
"Here lies poor Richard buried alive
trying to finish Ultima Five."
Great idea to bring this back!

Reminds me of the Merry Cemetery in Romania: Cimitirul Vesel :lol:

With a pledge "with Tombstone", can I choose if my realname or my nickname is written on it?
Or even better - will there be a small text, that I can choose by myself?

Wish you the all best, and good luck!!!

from the Valley of the Ravens

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Re: Merry Cemetery

Post by Corv »

Thank you for supporting us!

Yes you can choose which name you want displayed and a small text is possible too. :)

I love your suggested text! :D

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Joined: Tue Jun 09, 2020 2:03 pm

Re: Merry Cemetery

Post by Jethro »

> Yes you can choose which name you want displayed and a small text is possible too. :)

Great news!!!
Will start a contest between my girlfriend and my brother, who makes the nicest text for my tombstone... :lol:

> I love your suggested text!

It's not original from me!
Discovered it last week next to Sutek's Hut (Ultima V). :D

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